Furnace Maintenance 101: How Homeowners Can Prevent Costly Complications And Repairs

Nothing’s worse during the winter months than finding yourself without consistent heating. Whether or not this happens to you as a homeowner depends a lot on the maintenance you put into the furnace. To ensure it works great without any major complications and repairs, be sure to take these steps routinely.  Change Out the Air Filter Often  Every furnace has an air filter that corresponds to it, which is designed to keep debris and dirt from entering the heating system.

Winter Is Coming: How To Get Your Commercial HVAC System Ready For Cold Weather

Now that winter is almost here, you’ll be using your heater on a regular basis. If you haven’t taken steps to make it run more efficiently, you’re going to be wasting money on your heating bills. Increased heating bills can be disastrous for your business, especially when you’re trying to maintain a tight budget. Here are four steps you can take to increase the efficiency of your commercial HVAC system.

3 Things To Consider When Installing A New HVAC System

When you install a new HVAC system, you want to make sure that you install the best possible system for your home. You want to make sure that the HVAC system is set up to function at optimum levels for your home. #1 Get A Smart Thermostat When installing a new HVAC system, you want to start with a smart thermostat. A smart thermostat will allow you to program what temperature you want your home throughout the day.

3 Ways Your Air Conditioner Can Cause Health Problems

If you do not seek the expertise of an air conditioning maintenance professional to service your air conditioning unit on a regular basis, you and your family may be at risk for illness. It is important that an air conditioning professional evaluate your system a couple of times a year, typically during the spring and fall. Here are three ways your air conditioning unit can cause health problems, and how preventative maintenance can help reduce your risk.

Four Signs Your Water Heater Is On The Verge Of Failure

You don’t want to get caught without hot water on a cold winter day – or even in the middle of summer. Unfortunately, a lot of homeowners do not realize there is anything going on with their water heater until they turn on the hot water tap and nothing comes out. This does not have to be the case for you! The signs of impending water heater failure are subtle, but if you keep your eyes open you may notice them so you can get your heater serviced before it fails completely.

Unexpected Furnace Issues? Tips To Help Your Family Stay Comfortable While Awaiting Heating Repairs

Awakening in the middle of the night to a cold home may sound like a nightmare, but for those whose furnace stops working without warning, the threat becomes very real. When the home is located in an area that experiences extremely cold temperatures and negative windchill numbers, taking quick action is important to ensure that the family remains safe and comfortable and that the threat of freeze damage to the home’s plumbing system is lessened.

Is Your Home Causing Problems For Your HVAC System? Helpful Information For Homeowners

With the memories of high heating bills from last winter still painfully vivid, homeowners must now turn their attention to keeping their home cool and comfortable in hot summer weather. For some homeowners, the cost for this cooling can also be uncomfortably high and they may blame that problem on their air conditioning components. But this may not be the case. Instead, the problem of higher cooling and heating bills may be directly attributed to their home or conditions found within it.

Here Comes The Sun: How To Get Your HVAC Ready For Warm Weather

The winter days are over, and for many people, it is time to crank up the air conditioner. However, after a season of not using the AC, chances are it is going to need a little TLC. To ensure your HVAC is running optimally, it is best to do some spring maintenance before it is time for regular use. Here are some things you can do now so that you will have a healthy and fully functional air conditioning system for the warm days ahead:

Are Your Home Heating Bills Sky-Rocketing? Possible Causes To Explore

The costs of keeping a home at a comfortable temperature is a significant expense for the average American household today. In fact, according to information provided by the United States Department of Energy, 48 percent of the total energy used in an average home is associated with heating and cooling costs. While the actual per unit price of the energy source used to power the home’s heating and cooling system is usually influenced by factors beyond the control of the individual homeowner, it is possible for them to exert some control on the actual amount used in their home.